Journey on an adventure through the luminous realms and search for the world's truth with Advent. A brief tech showcase of the systems and combat in an upcoming ARPG (Action Role Playing Game) inspired by Kingdom Hearts and DMC.

Full Controls

W/A/S/D - 360 Movement

Space - Jump ( Can double jump depending on form)

Z - Enter Lock on Mode

Scroll Bar - Switch Targets (Click into scroll bar to exit lock on)

Shift - Dash/ Dodge

Q - Block

Left Click - Light Attack

Right Click  -  Heavy Attack

E/R -   Focus or Berserk Mode (Used to Enter/Exit Berserk Form)

Basic Mechanics

The fundamental premise of the combat is similar to Kingdom Hearts, where you can initiate attacks automatically at the click of a button. These attacks change depending on the distance from the target and how many enemies surround you (Proximity-based). The player will also auto-chase the enemy into the air if the light attack is pressed while the foe is airborne. Click the button several times to initiate attack chains seamlessly. Also, holding towards (forward) or Away (back) from your target during a string can lead to launchers or crowd-dispersing tools. Chain your light and heavy attacks to create stunning combos and shred through your foes. 


AI is still in progress; however, you can manually set A. I actions using the sidebar. The attack rate feature allows you to set how frequently the enemies can attack and whether they can block incoming attacks.


You will be allotted two drive/devil trigger-esque forms, which will have different use cases depending on the situation, and you will play vastly differently. 

Focus Form - The Azure clocked form allows users to compose themselves and grants them access to quick, swift, and precise attack execution. Transform into and exit the form using E. It is also the form with the fastest movement speed and a double jump. This is the more combo, single target-oriented form, honing in on a single enemy to execute devasting and long combos.

Berserk Form—Engulfed in the overwhelming pressure of the user's emotions, the Berserk form is an aggressive, crowd-control form that hits devastatingly hard with a wide swinging buster sword. This form may move slower than the other forms; however, it gains the property of super armor to shrug off attacks and hit multiple enemies and targets in one fell sweep.

Form Chaining - While in the middle of a ground or air combo with Focus or Berserk form, you can press the button of the other corresponding form; you will activate a form conversion, queueing the swap to the next form while allowing you to continue combing your target.

This project is still in development, but I posted it here to garner ideas based on the concepts presented. Feel free to leave ideas and concepts and even report bugs you may encounter. Thank You!

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